


Why do I need a pre-travel consultation?

One of the greatest benefits of a pre-travel consultation is peace of mind knowing you are protected and have the knowledge to avoid illness and injury on your trip. You have invested your precious time and money for your trip, so you should be confident about your travel. Each travel clinicians (pharmacist, RN, or Nurse Practitioner) specialized in travel health will prescribe vaccinations and medications based on your destination and trip activities.
Pharmacies and travel clinics typically charges $40-$60 per person. There are also family and couple pricings depending on the clinic. The cost of the drug and injection fees are separate from the consultation cost.
It’s completely free to book an appointment with a travel clinic through safetravels.
The pharmacy or travel clinic will confirm your appointment within 1 business day. Please ensure your contact info is up to date.

Before your pre-travel consultation

Please bring your vaccination and medication records. Also bring your planned travel itinerary and activities.
Depending on your destination and vaccination required, you should have your consultation 6-8 weeks before travelling. Some vaccines requires multiple doses, and requires days to become effective.
Pre-travel consultation and vaccination is not covered by the Provincial Health Plans. Some private insurance companies may cover the vaccine and medication. Pharmacies and Travel Clinics are able to bill your private insurance directly.

During your pre-travel consultation

Pre travel consultations typically takes 30-60 minutes depending on the complexity of the trip and the number travellers.
A pre-travel consultation includes a thorough assessment of the health risk of your destination. Based on that assessment, the clinician will prescribe the appropriate vaccine and medication. Travellers will then receive their injection in the clinic. Prescribers will also educate the traveller about the health risk s of your destination and how to prevent illness caused by food and water, and insects.
Hepatitis A/B, Typoid, Cholera/ETEC, Japanese Encephalitis, Yellow Fever, travellers’ diarrhea antibiotics, high altitude medications and insect repellent.

After your pre-travel consultation

Travellers will make payments of the pre-travel consultation, vaccine, and medication at the pharmacy or travel clinic.